I really felt like if I want to help the medical paradigm and I want to educate my family, my friends, and ultimately future patients about a system that can work for them, naturopathic medicine to me is the one that blends these things in such a way that you speak the language of the…
How Does Naturopathic Medicine Support Breast Cancer Prevention and Treatment?
FAQ #9: How does naturopathic medicine support breast cancer prevention and treatment? A service for consumers from the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP) and the Institute for Natural Medicine (INM). Emphasizing a holistic approach, naturopathic medicine offers complementary natural therapies to support and strengthen the body and mind before, during, and after conventional medical…
Alternative Medicine As the Original Disruptor of Healthcare
Alternative Medicine As the Original Disruptor of Healthcare: Recognizing Self-Care Advocates as Collaborators Instead of Disruptors to Improve Individual Health Outcomes Written by Millie Lytle, ND Recently, Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan announced they are launching a joint initiative to reduce health care costs in the US. This is significant. Because of the scale of resources…
How Do Naturopathic Doctors Empower People to Take Charge of Their Health?
Written by the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians and the Institute for Natural Medicine (INM). Empowering people to become more informed about their health options, more involved in decisions made about their health, and more capable of maintaining their own good health can lead to better health outcomes and lower costs.1 In addition to diagnosing…
Barbecue Mistakes to Avoid for Better Health
Written by Patricia Pimentel Selassie, ND It’s here! Barbecue season has arrived. I like this season because when you can get together with your family and community, be outdoors in nature, and have some moments to relax, you actually send a signal to your body to unwind from work and stress and spend a little…
The Treatment of Chronic Lyme with Hookworms
Since so many people suffer with Lyme disease I felt like it was important to report the success in a case of chronic lyme disease. This case is of a forty five year old woman with severe allergies after being diagnosed and treated for acute lyme. The allergies were severe enough to interfere with the…
What is Naturopathic Medicine?
Dr. Doni Wilson talks about naturopathic medicine and its many benefits, including how it works together with conventional medicine. Your body is an amazing thing. It has all sorts of built-in protections, including the ability to heal itself. Naturopathic medicine supports your body in the healing process. Just like conventional medicine, it uses science and…
Ten Naturopathic Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle
Written by Dr. Patricia Pimentel Selassie 1. Positive thinking. Start the day with positive thoughts or by forging a smile as soon as you open your eyes. Our thoughts affect our emotions by releasing both stress producing neurotransmitters like cortisol and adrenaline and positive ones like dopamine and serotonin. 2. Contrast showering. Shower with one…
Grey Hair to Black Again
How to Reverse Grey Hair Anti-Aging is a fad that is not about to end any-time soon. Fifteen-Hundred Baby Boomers are turning 65 on a daily basis and they want to look as gorgeous as the Millennials, or at least feel that way, right? And Millennials want to preserve their peak… the elders are turning 35…
The Power of Flower Essences
Written by Dr. Sean Heerey. Are you feeling frustrated? Tired of the atmosphere and politics in your office? Overwhelmed? In despair? Do you wake up every day worried? Are you feeling stressed out by all the little things that you need to get done? If you answered YES to any of these questions then there…