Written by Dr. Sean Heerey.
Are you feeling frustrated?
Tired of the atmosphere and politics in your office?
In despair?
Do you wake up every day worried?
Are you feeling stressed out by all the little things that you need to get done?
If you answered YES to any of these questions then there is good news for you. A flower essence formula can be blended just for you. Flower essences help people to get a different perspective on a situation they are dealing with.
The flower essences were developed by a British physician and homeopath, Edward Bach in the early 1900s. Their effect is similar to that feeling you get upon hearing your favorite song or looking at a picture of someone you care about or reminiscing about a wonderful event that occurred in your life.
Flower essences empower people.
They help people to have more balance in their lives. They help people to deal with a variety of situations and have an impact on their mental and emotional well-being. Many of my patients have reported positive results after taking a formula that was prepared uniquely for them. Children and pets also feel the benefits of these beautiful natural remedies made from flowers.
Take a step towards feeling great and have a formula prepared for you. Make an appointment with a ND to help you get on the path of health.
For more information about Dr. Sean Heerey and his practice, please click here: www.drseanheerey.com