Your involvement in the licensure process makes all the difference.
Thanks to those of you who have joined the Q&A calls and/or sent on your questions…we have researched and clarified bill language that represents our profession.
If you have not had a chance to join a call, please get updated now. Here are links to:
1. Recording of most recent Q&A 11/9/13 – 30 minutes long.
2. Presentation showing drafted language.
In the next month, we will be gathering feedback from our bill sponsors and preparing to introduce the bill language – so this is the time to give your input!!!
If you can’t join us then please email your comments to
Q & A VIDEO #1: We are taking our bill language even further to differentiate who we are, what we do and preserve a wider scope of practice.
We prepared a highly detailed webinar on our proposed next steps. It is 1 hour and 25 minutes.
Bill Language Webinar-Large 540p from NYANP on Vimeo.