Trauma Informed Care: Beyond the Scope of AI
Presented by: Lana Ferris, ND
While AI is a quickly growing field, it is hard to imagine that AI will be capable of the emotional intelligence needed to provide trauma informed medical care. This presentation will explore how to recognize PTSD and complex trauma symptoms, how to talk about trauma with patients, treatment options for PTSD and trauma, and how to develop a strong doctor/patient relationship by providing trauma informed care. We will also discuss polyvagal theory, how trauma disrupts nervous system regulation, and how to help our patients co-regulate.
Metabolic Syndrome & the Microbiome: Core Therapeutics for a Common Condition
Presented by: Emily Hernandez, ND
Let’s not sugarcoat it: Metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance affect over 30% of the adult population in the US. Understanding the significant role the gut microbiome plays in regulating blood sugar and metabolism is key to helping patients successfully deal with this common condition.
Join Emily Hernandez, ND, Clinical Educator at Biocidin Botanicals®, as she shares the latest science – and her own clinical experience – related to the microbiome and blood-sugar regulation. You will come away with a better understanding of:
- How a healthy microbiome helps to prevent obesity
- How the gut microbiome influences satiety, gut barrier integrity, and insulin resistance
- Novel therapeutic targets that may restore gut microbiome health
The Homeopathic Treatment of Head Injury/Unconsciousness/Coma States
Presented by: Paul Herscu, ND, MPH
It can be challenging to treat those who are not conscious for many reasons from their inability to communicate, to having access in the hospital setting, to teasing out what a remedy does versus the many other interventions taking place. Dr. Herscu will share from his extensive experience with practical and reproducible insight and guidance.
Pharmacogenomics: Where Does the Rubber Really Meet the Road?
Presented by: Leah K. Hollon, ND, MPH
Pharmacogenomics is an emerging field of science combining genetics and drug therapy in the hopes of enhancing therapeutic outcomes and reducing harm. This field supports what we have known for years that one person’s medicine may be another’s poison. Whether you are the prescriber or co-managing care for patients, having additional insights into this field assists in balance successful pharmacotherapy outcomes and reduces potential harm. Come along with me as we investigate the true application of pharmacogenomics where concrete tools will be provided to enhance your prescribing and/or co-management. Format will consist of lecture and case-based learning.
You’re Not the Boss of Me: Managing Behavioral Problems in Preschool and School-aged Children
Presented by: Amy Rothenberg, ND, DHANP
Most parents start out with hopes of creating a happy family with well-adjusted children, but it doesn’t always work out that way. Dr. Rothenberg will share from her decades of practice as both an ND and a mother, ways to encourage and teach parents how to address common challenges of the job.
Naturopathic Protocols for Sports Injuries and Osteoarthritis
Presented by: Heidi Weinhold, ND
Naturopathic Physicians promote an overall healthy lifestyle and encourage activities like hiking, biking, group sports, and yoga. Unfortunately the strong, the active, and the healthy are the very candidates for a sports injury. Repetitive overuse can lead to chronic osteoarthritis and musculoskeletal joint pain which can significantly impair a person’s ability to perform basic activities, work, or participate in sports. This talk will provide the Naturopathic Doctor with clinical pearls for prescribing and dosing naturopathic protocols for both acute sports injuries and chronic osteoarthritis.