naturopathic doctor

How Does Naturopathic Medicine Lower Health Care Costs?

FAQ #6: How does naturopathic medicine lower health care costs? A service for consumers from the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP) and the Institute for Natural Medicine (INM) As concerns grow over high health care costs and poor health outcomes in the United States, a growing number of policymakers, health care practitioners, and other…

naturopathic doctor

How Should I Choose a Naturopathic Doctor?

FAQ #5:  How Should I Choose a Naturopathic Doctor? A service for consumers from the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP) and the Institute for Natural Medicine (INM) The most important criteria in selecting a naturopathic doctor are that the doctor 1) has a naturopathic medical degree earned from an accredited, four-year, in-residence, naturopathic medical college…

naturopathic doctor

What is the Difference Between a Licensed Naturopathic Doctor and an Unlicensed Naturopath?

FAQ #4: What is the difference between a licensed naturopathic doctor and an unlicensed naturopath? A service for consumers from the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP) and the Institute for Natural Medicine (INM) Licensed naturopathic doctors, sometimes referred to as naturopathic physicians, are regulated at the state level to practice naturopathic medicine. Naturopathic medical students…

naturopathic doctor

Under What Circumstances Should I Choose to See a Naturopathic Doctor?

FAQ #3: Under what circumstances should I choose to see a naturopathic doctor? A service for consumers from the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP) and the Institute for Natural Medicine (INM). 1. You want a doctor who will treat all of you, not just your illness. Naturopathic doctors (NDs) are trained to treat the…

naturopathic doctor

What Is Naturopathic Medicine?

FAQ #2: What is naturopathic medicine? A service for consumers from the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP) and the Institute for Natural Medicine (INM). Naturopathic doctors are educated and trained in accredited naturopathic medical colleges. They diagnose, prevent and treat acute and chronic illness, restore and establish optimal health by supporting the person’s inherent…

naturopathic doctor

Alternative Medicine As the Original Disruptor of Healthcare

Alternative Medicine As the Original Disruptor of Healthcare: Recognizing Self-Care Advocates as Collaborators Instead of Disruptors to Improve Individual Health Outcomes Written by Millie Lytle, ND Recently, Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan announced they are launching a joint initiative to reduce health care costs in the US. This is significant. Because of the scale of resources…

naturopathic medicine

How Do Naturopathic Doctors Empower People to Take Charge of Their Health?

Written by the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians and the Institute for Natural Medicine (INM). Empowering people to become more informed about their health options, more involved in decisions made about their health, and more capable of maintaining their own good health can lead to better health outcomes and lower costs.1 In addition to diagnosing…

Rethinking Pain-Free

An article written by Dr. Millie Lytle. “Pain does not show up in our lives for no reason. It’s a sign that something needs to change.” In the past several years, the US has shown a steady rise in new options for “pain management” – most of them in the form of dangerous pharmaceuticals. It’s…

naturopathic medicine

Unpleasant. Troublesome. Inconvenient. (UTI)

Written by Dr. Anne Williams.  Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are among the most common infections in older adults, especially in women. However, the infections are also among the most commonly overdiagnosed and overtreated. An overuse of antibiotics to treat urinary tract infections is an issue as your body’s natural stomach flora is disrupted, calling for…

naturopathic doctor NYC

How Leaky Gut Can Lead to Depression, Anxiety, and Migraine Headaches

In Part 6 of her Leaky Gut series, Dr. Doni Wilson explains how leaky gut affects more than just your digestion. It can also affect the Gut-Brain Axis, which can lead to neurological symptoms including depression, anxiety, and migraines. Part 6 of Dr. Doni’s Series on Leaky Gut In the first three parts of this…