New Insights into the Microbiome | Kristine L Gedroic, MD


The gut microbiome is becoming an especially important system in the human body. The gut influences multiple other vital organs in the human body. The most looked at is the gut-brain axis. The gut microbiome is highly diverse and has a variety of bacterial and fungal species that vary throughout the digestive tract. We will be discussing what is the definition of a healthy microbiome, which microbiota signatures are of significance, and how to successfully manipulate the microbiome to become healthy. There are multiple avenues that can affect the microbiome and in turn the other organs. Depending on which microbes are or are not present, can affect what is and how much is absorbed into the blood stream and effects will be seen downstream and which mainstream science and doctors will treat. We will be discussing different ratios and keystone strains that are important to understanding how nutrition and Western diets affect the gut microbiome diversity. The gut microbiome can be manipulated with the changing of an individual’s diet but also with the use of probiotics, prebiotics, and symbiotics. We will also cover some case studies to show how to utilize diet, probiotics, prebiotics, symbiotics, and other treatments to change a patient’s chronic conditions.

1 CEU (OBNM accreditation, general)

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The gut microbiome is becoming an especially important system in the human body. The gut influences multiple other vital organs in the human body. The most looked at is the gut-brain axis. The gut microbiome is highly diverse and has a variety of bacterial and fungal species that vary throughout the digestive tract. We will be discussing what is the definition of a healthy microbiome, which microbiota signatures are of significance, and how to successfully manipulate the microbiome to become healthy. There are multiple avenues that can affect the microbiome and in turn the other organs. Depending on which microbes are or are not present, can affect what is and how much is absorbed into the blood stream and effects will be seen downstream and which mainstream science and doctors will treat. We will be discussing different ratios and keystone strains that are important to understanding how nutrition and Western diets affect the gut microbiome diversity. The gut microbiome can be manipulated with the changing of an individual’s diet but also with the use of probiotics, prebiotics, and symbiotics. We will also cover some case studies to show how to utilize diet, probiotics, prebiotics, symbiotics, and other treatments to change a patient’s chronic conditions.

Kristine Gedroic, MD is an integrative physician and founder of The Gedroic Medical Institute in Morristown, NJ. She is a thought leader in epigenetics and the science of the microbiome. She has helped nearly 7,000 patients recover their lives from complex, chronic illness. She attended undergraduate at Harvard University and medical school at Thomas Jefferson University. Dr. Gedroic completed her internship at Cornell University in NYC, followed by a residency in Family Practice at Overlook Hospital in Summit, NJ. She later completed a fellowship at the University of Arizona in Integrative Medicine. She had received board certification in Family Practice as well as the Integrative Medicine Boards. Dr. Gedroic served as the Medical Director of the Chambers Center for Well-Being at Morristown Hospital in NJ in 2016. She continues to serve as volunteer faculty for Rutgers University in the Department of Medicine. She published her first book, A Nation of Unwell in 2018. She lives in Mendham, NJ with her three sons. From the 2023 NYANP Conference