The New York Association of Naturopathic Physicians
Vision: Advance Access to and Awareness of Naturopathic Medicine
Mission: Healthy Patients, Licensed Naturopathic Physicians

Corporate Sponsorships

We invite you to be a corporate partner with the New York Association of Naturopathic Physicians.

NYANP members spend thousands of dollars annually in supplement sales and laboratory testing.

We understand the integral role nutriceutical, laboratory, and other medical companies play in supporting naturopathic medicine and the health care system as a whole.

We are dedicated to creating and providing value for our corporate sponsors. We understand that corporate partnerships are created not only because you value the NYANP's mission and vision, but also because of the opportunity to grow your business. We can help you make that happen!

New York is not a licensed state- YET! Corporate sponsorships are an ideal way to become involved in our grassroots effort to help our NY Naturopathic Doctors get licensed!  Corporate partnerships allow us to educate the community, health care professionals, and legislators on the benefits of licensure and the ways to help the licensure efforts, all of which will increase access to naturopathic medicine in New York State.

Join Us!

We invite you to be a part of our mission.  Please contact us at 646-926-7022 for more information.Or contact use the CONTACT FORM HERE

We appreciate our corporate sponsors. Please help us support their support! To view our current Corporate Sponsors, click here:  Corporate Sponsors.

Why Support the NYANP?

Support the integration of Naturopathic Medicine

The American public’s use of CAM therapies has increased substantially as the patient’s desire to become actively involved in their own health care has increased. Health care consumers are increasingly curious about alternative therapies and seek Naturopathic Doctors who are trained specifically in their use.

Strength and exposure of NYANP 

  • *NDs are the best-trained advocates for selecting optimal supplements and laboratory testing.
  • *We will help to expand your customer base through appropriate supplement and lab recommendations.
  • *We will reach more individuals seeking optimal health through supplement use and laboratory testing and interpretation.

Delivering quality natural medicines gains public trust and ensures the growth and sustainability of natural medicine.

  • *We bring the message of natural health care to the public, government institutions and the entire health care system.
  • *Our message increases public access to Natural and Integrative Medicine and increases the public’s trust in safe and effective natural modalities.
  • *Our training ensures the very best delivery of evidence-based natural medicine.

Find Out More

PHONE: 646-926-7022 for more information.


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Copyright 2020, NYANP