Written by Patricia Pimentel Selassie, ND, CNS Strong and Flexible Bones Yes, you heard me, “flexible” you want them to have a little give to it so they don’t break like a brittle bone. Think of a piece of chalk, it’s hard and it’s made of calcium like our bones, but if you drop it,…
The Art of the Apology
The Art of the Apology from Rick Brinkman on Vimeo. Dr. Rick Brinkman teaches you how to apologize with the help of his two cats. Watch as he coaches Neelix in apologizing to Leela. Learn the one thing you absolutely must not do when you apologize or it will not work and in fact will…
Dealing with Relatives — Defusing Triggers
by Dr. Rick Brinkman NEUTRAL GROUND An association is a trigger like the song or smell that suddenly transports you back through time. When it comes to family both the people and the environment are powerful triggers. This is why you could be a competent adult with good communication skills and then in the presence…