Written by Dr. Patricia Pimentel Selassie In the past, when someone mentioned that they were going on a hike, I thought it entailed heavy backpacks, special hiking boots, a walking stick, trail mix, and panting up a hill. Now I understand that “hike” is just another word for “walk.” Likewise, I used to think that…
Naturopathic Medicine for Autistic Spectrum Disorder
WRITTEN BY Sean Heerey, ND. WOW – 1 in 68. According to the CDC, the rate of Autism in the US is 1/68. This number is staggering! In New Jersey the number is 1 in 45. This disorder affects thousands of children and their families in a number of ways. Children who have Autism Spectrum…
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Katie Couric Show with Dr. Pina — All Natural Sleep Aids
What all natural products can help you sleep that you can’t find in your medicine cabinet? Pina Loguidice is a doctor of naturopathic medicine and says there are a host of things that she has found to be very effective natural alternatives. Pleasant dreams!