Written by Dr. Sean Heerey.* This is the sixth article of our six-article series on the efficacy, cost-effectiveness, and safety of naturopathic medicine when it comes to health promotion and disease prevention based on research from across the country. To read the five prior articles of The Value of Naturopathic Medicine in New York, please click here:…
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Help us choose the new NYANP’s blog badge! What’s a blog badge? Our blog badge is an image that will help promote naturopathic medicine and the licensure for naturopathic doctors in New York State. It can be placed in your newsletters and on your blog. Or, how about posting it on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest?…
Katie Couric Show with Dr. Pina — All Natural Sleep Aids
What all natural products can help you sleep that you can’t find in your medicine cabinet? Pina Loguidice is a doctor of naturopathic medicine and says there are a host of things that she has found to be very effective natural alternatives. Pleasant dreams!