Equitable healthcare requires a shift in clinical language. Words, from reception services to clinical intake, words can help or hinder, both therapeutic relationships and health disparities. This presentation will explore histories of stigmatizing, othering, and appropriating language common in medical environments. Strategies used to minimized enacted stigma related to sociodemographic identity markers (race, sex/gender, sexual orientation, (dis)ability, etc…) such as mirroring, person-first and identity-first approaches and intersectional examples of inclusive language will be reviewed through the use of scenarios. By the end of this session, participants will feel more confident in their abilities to build upon inclusive clinical practices, research environments, and policy development. Presented by Dr. Cyndi Gilbert
DATE/TIME: Tuesday, September 19th at 7:00 pm for 1 hour, plus Q&A after the presentation
WHERE: Online webinar
CEU: 1 (cultural competency; CE accredited by OBNM)
COST: $30